Posthuman Characters: The Dancer
Well, the Posthuman Kickstarter has been and gone, and thanks to over 5000 beautiful backers Posthuman - The Board Game will be coming to a table-top near you this October 2015! In the meantime, here's another character and backstory for ya!
(Art, as always, by the sharp-shooting Arjuna Susini!)

The Dancer
The Dancer was raised on the road, amidst a motley crew of travelling circus folk. Her father was a knife thrower and she his novelty side-kick, “Knife Girl”. She was only six years of age when she could match her father’s knife throwing ability, thrilling crowds with her pretty locks and deadly-focused face. Her 'William Tell'-style routine - performed with a crossbow and a wide-eyed member of the audience - soon made her the most popular act of the entire troupe.
As she grew older, and the novelty of a sharp-shooting kid failed to translate to that of a sharp-shooting adult, the Dancer started performing in various parts of the circus that required gymnastic prowess. The circus went out of business in later years and she ended up headlining her own show in a semi-respectable strip joint. When the Fall hit, her self-preservation instincts did not fail her. She took to the road, armed with a sharp eye - and a solid stock of ammunition.